Server Informantion

Hardware information from SQL Server

Gives you some good basic hardware information about your database server Virtual_machine_type_desc of HYPERVISOR does not automatically mean you are running SQL Server inside of a VM. It merely indicates that you have a hypervisor running on your host Soft-NUMA (SQL Server) sys.dm_os_sys_info 

Manufacturer information inside SQL server

Get System Manufacturer and model number from SQL Server Error log This query will return no results if your error log has been recycled since the instance was started Can also be used to confirm if you are running in a VM Read specific errors using temp table Himanshu Patel SQL Server Consultant developer & …

Manufacturer information inside SQL server Read More »

Read Windows Registry from SQL server

Recommended value for intensive I/O patterns from VMware is: RequestRingPages=32,MaxQueueDepth=254

SQL Server NUMA Node information

Gives you some useful information about the composition and relative load on your NUMA nodes Check an equal number of schedulers on each NUMA node Check on a physical or virtual machine with more than four sockets or more than 24 physical cores Microsoft help Other Link