Read specific errors using temp table

create table #t (dt datetime, process varchar(200), msg varchar(1000))
insert into #t exec sp_readerrorlog 0,1,'error'
insert into #t exec sp_readerrorlog 1,1,'error'
insert into #t exec sp_readerrorlog 2,1,'error'
insert into #t exec sp_readerrorlog 3,1,'error'
insert into #t exec sp_readerrorlog 4,1,'error'
insert into #t exec sp_readerrorlog 5,1,'error'
insert into #t exec sp_readerrorlog 6,1,'error'
select * from #t where process <> 'logon' 

Other References

Manufacturer information inside SQL server Himanshu Patel SQL Server Consultant developer & Administrator –

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